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Coronation Picnic

It was so lovely to see so many families enjoying themelves on the school field at our picnic event to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. We had beer, fresh Pimm’s and ice cream amongst other drinks and snacks on…

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Friends of Shelley School relies solely on the generosity of school parents throughout each academic year to generate funds which are used to enhance our children’s school experience.

We have made some great achievements over the years with regards to fundraising and purchases for the pupils and school, and we want to ensure that this continues for current and future pupils. In order to achieve this, we kindly ask for your continued support in a variety of ways.

We welcome many types of donations, from gift donations towards raffles and tombolas, good condition pre-loved uniform items towards our online pre-loved uniform shop, and of course financial donations (one-off or monthly direct debits).

Financial donations can be paid directly to us by clicking the ‘donate’ button below. If you would like to set up a direct debit for regular donations to FOSS, then please contact us directly at the following email address and we will endeavor to get back to you as soon as possible:

We thank you kindly for your continued support to FOSS and very much appreciate your generosity.



